Saving Energy on a budget

Here are a few ways to save energy at home at little to no cost to yourself simply by changing certain habits. With Eskom load shedding and planned fines for using too much energy these tips are well worth reading if you want to conserve energy.

Saving Energy on a budget

Appliance Tips

Appliances in standby mode still consume electricity; make sure that appliances are turned off at the wall while not in use. This includes cellular charges and other adapter type devices.

As a general rule if a light is on appliance is still using energy, some studies have shown that up to 10% of household energy consumption is related to standby modes on appliances

Heat conservation

Using rugs in tiled areas during colder months can reduce the amount of heating required for rooms, keeping curtains closed insulates rooms further reducing the heating needed for a room, blankets and jerseys are far better than simply increasing the heat in a room. Overheating a room uses a large amount of energy

Turning the geyser off for a few hours a day is great way to save energy, simply work out a suitable time to turn it off based on when you will need heated water. Budget allowing a timer can be purchased to do this for you. Also ensuring that the pipe work around the geyser is insulated can save energy.


When possible hang clothing on the line instead of using a dryer, if a dryer has to be used make sure that the lint screen is cleaned after each dry to ensure maximum heat efficiency

Wait for a full load before running a dishwasher and where possible hand wash dishes to save energy

Waiting for a full load before using a washing machine will save energy, when possible you should use a cold cycle.

In the kitchen

Using a microwave/electric frying pan instead of a stove/oven will save energy. If you use a stove ensure that the pan/pot is similar in size to the plate to ensure that energy is not wasted.

Boiling water and then placing the heated water in a flask for later use is an excellent way to conserve energy.

Ensure that fridges/freezes are not leaking and check all the seals on a regular basis. Defrosting freezers and cleaning all ice build-up will also save energy.

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