Saving Energy in a big but expensive way

Here are a few ideas to save energy on a large scale, however each of them has considerable cost attached which may not fall in your budget. But if you are serious about saving electricity then this guide might be for you.

Saving Energy with insulation


Insulation can save a large amount of energy, insulation of pipes in particular those around the geyser can help keep water warmer for longer reducing the amount of energy used to supply warm water to the home. Ceiling insulation can greatly improve the conditions indoors by keeping the house cool in summer warm in winter. When replacing windows consider double or triple pane windows with solar control to further insulate your home


Lighting in your home uses a fair amount of energy and there are several ways to cut back on consumption. Using Compact fluorescent tubes when possible is one of the simplest methods of conserving power. Installing dimmers & timers on lights will help keep usage to a minimum. For security and outdoor lighting a solar based system is advisable since these lights tend to stay on for extended periods of time. Also it is no good having lights at the door for security when the power is out. Solar systems will ensure that you are always safe while cutting back on consumption.

Monitors & TV’s

Besides making sure that screens are turned off while not being used it is a well known fact that LCD displays use far less energy than traditional CRT/Tube variants. They also dissipate less heat which in turn reduces cooling requirements.
LCD monitors for computers are freely available and relatively cheap; TV replacements are slightly more expensive since they often include a tuner.

Thermal Heating

Probably the largest portion of energy used by homes is related to water heating. Solar geyser systems will result in massive energy savings for a simple and cost effective change. These systems generally see a return on the investment in 10 years. Solar geysers are a very popular way to save electricity.

Alternative Energy / Cooling

Consider switching appliances to natural gas if it is available in your area. Natural gas is often used to power stoves/ovens are reasonable costs.
Use desktop/ceiling fans instead of Air conditioning where possible

At a glance these tips look incredible expensive but if saving energy is on your mind while planning a new home or office park then these ideas can be integrated at the early stages greatly reducing the cost of saving electricity.

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